Stop chasing perfection

4 min readOct 15, 2020


What is perfection? Why do people strive for it? Ever questioned this to yourself, my dear human?

“Perfect”, which according to the dictionary means having ‘all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be’. Why does a person have to be perfect?, Just to be liked by society?

This race of perfection has made people forget their distinctiveness, the beauty of their perfect flaws! All of them are running way too fast to reach one finish line of perfection! This word “perfect” has destroyed the number of lives that even an illness won’t do. If we look around closely we would observe that a child when growing up is always asked to score high and become another Einstein, is asked to calculate correctly and become a mathematician like Aryabhatt, be fluent in English and become like Shakespeare! They are always taught and are made to grow, and embrace their skills and talents just like other personalities did. But, did you ever wonder if an apple wouldn’t have fallen down Newton wouldn’t have existed, if the pop move wouldn’t have been made then Jackson wouldn’t be remembered, them people are great examples who didn’t participate in the race of perfection!

They are the people who discovered their imperfection, their distinctiveness, the one thing that made them different from the rest of the world. This system of ‘being perfect’ at everything has ruined everything indeed, it has slowed down the pace of creating something novel, something interesting, something a person looks forward to. People are constantly trying to match up with the standards of everything that is perfect, which is killing their ability to create and label their imperfect as perfect. Famous personalities who have made their mark in the world didn’t know when they were working towards making their imperfect moves would be labeled and recognized as PERFECT in the world and create benchmarks for the people to follow, they aimlessly worked towards it and today we admire them as a perfectionist! But, they are those people who didn’t care about what would people think of them if they wouldn’t be successful after making a move. They just worked, embraced their flaws, made irrelevant things seem right and relevant, they just tried to create something original and exceeded at it!

There are times when I think that the word perfect has become an excuse! There are times when people just back down at things just because it’s not perfect, just because it won’t be received by the society in a perfect manner, just because it won’t match the standards of the pre-existing perfection levels. This prejudice of being perfect is making humans afraid of introspecting and embracing their choices, their dreams, their moves.

People are not willing to step up and ace their flaws because society being an integral part of our lives would judge us on various grounds!

Nowadays, embracing your ‘imperfect’ requires guts, it takes a lot to post about something, to take charge of something, to start research on something or to present something in front of the world. Well, I have an example for all you people out there how an introvert, a woman who was conscious about her body took over digital media by storm. Who didn’t care if the world would mock her for what she spoke, she wore or what she did. ‘Kusha Kapila’ the woman, who’s making thousands of us laugh just by her sense of humor, she makes fun of her own self and make people laugh and guess she’s not judged by the world but admired for what she does! She condemned the beauty standards and embraced her weird self, she didn’t get trapped by the word of having a perfect body but was proud of being curvacious, she didn’t think what people would judge her for, she just embraced HERSELF exactly the way she is and guess what the amazing part is she earning handsomely by just being her real self! She aptly signifies how just being real, how acing your imperfect standards can weave out a beautiful life for you. This is an exact requirement for this hour! Where people need to acknowledge that being perfect doesn’t mean you can’t become perfect by acing up your imperfection. Being perfect doesn’t mean you can’t work on a different skill, it doesn’t mean that you can’t strive to make your individuality stand out and make a new name in the dictionary of ‘my imperfect is absolutely perfect.

So, I think by far now we can conclude the question which was put up at the very start!

What is perfection? Perfection is truly embracing your traits and making your individuality count by breaking the pre-existing standards of being perfect and developing the new ones by showcasing the novel creations, even if they are perceived by society as imperfect. It’s your ‘PERFECT’, create your definition of it!

