How to achieve success in life?

4 min readOct 13, 2020


A word every human falls for is success, nobody would ever say that he doesn’t want to be successful in life! But, is success easy to achieve? Is it worth it to be successful in life? Well by the end of this blog, I am sure that we would be able to answer these questions!

To become successful in life is one of the main targets of every individual we come across these days, but how everyone achieves success in their respective lives is quite distinct from each other. Surely, there’s not one mantra that would work out for each and every individual to be successful in life but there are several practices that one undertakes to strive towards it. It may or may not work out for everyone equally but it will surely take you one step closer towards your goal.

What practices one can follow to be successful?

  1. Think with a brain like a whale

Your brain is the origin of all your actions. Make sure it functions smoothly! As the brain is responsible for your thought process and you know the best part is the remote of this machine is in your hand!

The power of positive affirmation is gigantic, once you start feeling what you say to yourself, you start manifesting that in reality. Never back down by the negative comments of anyone, train your brain in such a way that it sees positive rays in every sphere.

THINK BIG in every situation! You should endow this capability to control your brain in such a way that it creates a pool of opportunities for you. For example, you are working towards a plan and at a nearby point of completion the plan fails because of some technical reason and you can’t mend it by any way out. Surely, it is going to bring disappointment but do not stop. Start it again and think how can you make it in a novel way! What are the new trends that you can incorporate into your new plan, how can you make it more distinct than others? That’s how you can perceive each and every situation in a positive manner and work towards it diligently.

2. Make your time your priority

It’s a universal truth that time doesn’t wait for anyone! It ticks down no matter what the situation is. One wrong move at the right time can bring back to you at zero again and you might have to start from scratch again! To be successful in life, one has to value each and every second in order to persuade his/her agenda towards successful completion. There might be situations where life may not mingle with you and time management will have to come in action to execute your plans in the smoothest way possible. Make sure you have a time table, and that time table should incorporate everything from leisure to sports to your most productive time. Make it, and make sure you religiously abide by it!

3. Take failure as a second chance

Surely, failures are heartbreaking! But, they often give us a wider insight into our plan of action, we can introspect where things went wrong, what is the more efficient way to use our resources in a more sustainable and result worthy manner, how can we execute a plan in such a way that we can inspect our progress at each step. Don’t let yourself down by the failure or take a back step because of it. But yes, surely let that failure sink in you and take it on a positive note and learn from it, let that failure proves to be the injection of new energy for your goal!

So, these are three simple steps that one can adhere to in order to achieve success in life, at least by abiding by these it will inculcate a feeling of becoming successful in life and it may take you to step closer to your dreams and aspirations.

